LGBTQI health clinic at Northside Health NT

Visiting GPs specialising in LGBTI health run a 2 day clinic on a monthly basis to provide welcoming, high-quality health care to members of the LGBTI community.​

Services include:
– Transgender & gender diverse health
– Sexual health
– Mental health
– HIV care, S100, PrEP
– General health care
– Fertility & conception advice
– Non-judgemental expert GP care

Call 7999 7448 or email admin@northsidemedical for an appointment.

Northside Health NT
Integrative & Specialist General Practice
4/1 Caryota Court Coconut Grove NT 0810
PO Box 751 Nightcliff NT 0814

LGBTIQ+ group

A safe and confidential place to be yourself, connect with like-minded young people and find out information about health, services and support.

For people aged between 12 and 25

LGBTIQ+ group

A safe and confidential place to be yourself, connect with like-minded young people and find out information about health, services and support.

For people aged between 12 and 25

Queer history

From pre-colonisation times to beachfront bathhouses and tiny offices where the battle against the AIDS crisis was fought, Darwin has a rich queer history.

Queer history is an important part of the social and political history of the Northern Territory and an important part of life’s fabric.

Australian gay history academic and activist Dr Dino Hodge arrived in Darwin in 1983, just before the closure of two now-legendary camp venues, Dix and Fannies.

Mr Hodge has since moved to Adelaide, but returns to Darwin to host walking tours that focus on the Northern Territory’s lesser known history.

LGBTIQ+ group

A safe and confidential place to be yourself, connect with like-minded young people and find out information about health, services and support.

For people aged between 12 and 25

LGBTIQ+ group

A safe and confidential place to be yourself, connect with like-minded young people and find out information about health, services and support.

For people aged between 12 and 25

LGBTIQ+ group

A safe and confidential place to be yourself, connect with like-minded young people and find out information about health, services and support.

For people aged between 12 and 25

LGBTIQ+ group

A safe and confidential place to be yourself, connect with like-minded young people and find out information about health, services and support.

For people aged between 12 and 25

Darwin: LGBTI health clinic

The next Northside Health NT LGBTI GP Specialist Clinic will be held Thursday 27th and Saturday 29th of July! Now with Bulk Billing available :)

Visiting GPs specialising in LGBTI health run a 2 day clinic on a monthly basis to provide welcoming, high-quality health care to members of the LGBTI community.

Services include:
– Transgender & gender diverse health
– Sexual health
– Mental health
– HIV care, S100, PrEP
– General health care
– Fertility & conception advice
– Non-judgemental expert GP care

Call 7999 7448 or email admin@northsidemedical for an appointment.

Darwin: LGBTI clinic

The next Northside Health NT LGBTI GP Specialist Clinic will be held Thursday 27th and Saturday 29th of July! Now with Bulk Billing available :)

Visiting GPs specialising in LGBTI health run a 2 day clinic on a monthly basis to provide welcoming, high-quality health care to members of the LGBTI community.

Services include:
– Transgender & gender diverse health
– Sexual health
– Mental health
– HIV care, S100, PrEP
– General health care
– Fertility & conception advice
– Non-judgemental expert GP care

Call 7999 7448 or email admin@northsidemedical for an appointment.

Thursdays at the Cav: queer beer

Queer Beer _ Thursdays at The Cav. A regular social event for queers, lesbians, bisexuals, trans folk, intersex as well as gay men and MSM. Looking forward to seeing you there! First table on the left as you walk in. 5-7pm