Uni of Melbourne – Calling on LBQTI women to do an online survey for the Rainbow Women’s Help Seeking Research project

The Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne is currently undertaking a study exploring help seeking behaviour amongst lesbian, bisexual, queer, same-sex attracted, trans and gender diverse, and intersex women. The study has been funded by beyondblue, the National depression and anxiety initiative.

We are looking for women at least 18 years of age who live in Australia to complete an anonymous online survey that will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

The findings of the survey will be used to provide recommendations for improving health-related resources for LBQTI women, including information about mental health.

We would be extremely gratefully if you would forward this email to any people you know who might be eligible or post a link to the survey on your website or forum.

The web address for the survey is https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/rainbowwomenhelpseekingstudy

The Chief Investigator of this project is Associate Professor Ruth McNair from the Department of General Practice, at The University of Melbourne. If you have any questions about the research please do not hesitate to contact Ruth on: 0419 120 663 or at: r.mcnair@unimelb.edu.au

Hello + love from Alice – OUT NT newsletter # 4

Hello. This newsletter we are running the first Postcard from the Territory. This is a way to connect between cities, towns, rural, & remote, and new and established Territorians. The first postcard is from Alice Springs (for newcomers it’s located just down the road from Darwin and up the road from Adelaide).

In other updates, there are a few events and projects on the go: activism, social, theatre, & community health. Remember, if there are none to your liking then set up your own, you can publicise it through this newsletter.

In very recent news, Dave Tollner is now Treasurer. If you want to communicate directly with the decision makers about this decision, all email addresses for the cabinet, including the chief minister are listed here.

Link to full newsletter

OUT NT newsletter 3: Cake to share

Cake to share is a random section of the OUT NT newsletter where people can share something with others. Not all cake suits all tastes, so please sample or skip as you wish. Email your cake to share to outnt[at]outnt.info

What’s on

Just across the ditch: the 3rd Asia Pacific Outgames were in Darwin in May 2014, and in Feb 2016 they are happening in Auckland.

Stream yourself some French romance, tagged as “get a room” and “LGBT” by SBS

From around the globe

Conchita Wurst: more than a bearded face

Say my name: United States + LGBT recognition

Picture this

Drawing out the importance of LGBT visibility

Transgender men in Pakistan, photo essay

Sébastien Lifshitz Documents Hidden LGBT Relationships From The Early 20th Century. “I don’t know these people — they are anonymous to me. I can’t really even say that each person photographed into the book is gay, except when it’s obvious.”

Transgenderism in the Northern Territory Online Survey: Summary of Results

To date, little to no research has been conducted on the health and wellbeing status of transgender Northern Territorians. Research which has been conducted on the health and wellbeing status of transgender Australians rarely, if ever, includes Northern Territorians.

In mid-2014, Dr Stephen Kerry, a researcher at Charles Darwin University, conducted an online survey as part of the first phase of a research project on the health and wellbeing of transgender Northern Territorians.

In total 9 people completed the survey. The following outlines some of the key features of their responses.

Continue reading “Transgenderism in the Northern Territory Online Survey: Summary of Results”

Equality rally at NT parliament draws over 40 attendees in thunder and lightning

Approximately 40 LGBTIQ peoples and their allies gathered on the steps of Parliament House in Darwin today to promote awareness and raise visibility of the ongoing inequalities experienced by LGBTIQ peoples entrenched in Northern Territory law organised by newly formed community group Rainbow Territory.

Despite the thunder and torrential downpour, the steps of Parliament House were awash with Rainbow flags, festivities and cakes. This was a welcome sight to visiting politicians who dropped by for a slice of cake and conversation with rally attendees.

Rainbow Territory spokesperson, Daniel Alderman said that while homophobic, transphobia and other forms of violence against LGBTIQ peoples, at present, have lost the intensity they once had violence remains an ongoing issue and threat in the Territory.

“LGBTIQ peoples like other people of difference continue to be subjected to verbal and at times physical abuse. This is further acerbated by the inadequate understanding and fair consideration of homophobia by the Northern Territory police”

Jane Black, Rainbow Territory member considered the many domains of inequalities entrenched in Northern Territory law.

“At present the Northern Territory law discriminates against LGBTIQ peoples in over six places. Rainbow Territory and the LGBTIQ people and their allies here in the Territory will continue to advocate for legal change within the Northern Territory until equality in the law is established”

“We will continue to be here families, friends, partners, pets in tow to advocate for change. Our rainbows, cakes a presence serve as a constant reminder that LGTIQ people are an important part of the territory and are thus as deserving of equality in the law as any other member of the community”

Rainbow Territory is an unfunded Northern Territory community group that advocate for the human rights of Northern Territorians who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (‘LGBTIQ’). Rainbow Territory since its formation in September 2014 have developed www.outnt.info an online platform for community development, consulted with the Human Rights Commissioner, and provided recommendations pertaining to the Northern Territory Suicide Prevention Plan.