LGBTI Silver Rainbow training Darwin, Katherine & Alice Springs (free)

NTAHC is running free LGBTQI awareness training in Darwin, Katherine and Alice Springs.

LGBTI Silver Rainbow Training final dates for 2016.The Silver Rainbow last training days throughout the Northern Territory for.

Darwin – May 23rd & June 27th 2016
Katherine – June 15th & 16th 2016
Alice Springs – May 26th 2016

This project is delivering lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) aged care awareness training to a broad range of staff working in ageing and aged care, students studying aged care, aged care assessment teams nationally and people that work with LGBTI community.

This free, comprehensive, one day training will help promote a better understanding of the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people. It will provide staff with more confidence to deliver inclusive, best practice service.

Silver Rainbow is a national partnership between Alliance members in every State and Territory.

· Exploring the lives of LGBTI Australians
· Terminology
· Social stigma and assumptions
· Impacts of negative attitudes
· Ageing issues specific to older LGBTI people.
· Current legislation.
· Inclusivity in the work place and working with clients

Please book as seats are limited. Please contact Hande Noyan on 8944 7777 or for more information and to register.